12/12/21 George Exists: Sydney

Sydney traffic can present difficulties with a reverse-challenged car so we took advantage of the free street parking outside our house sit, parked the car with a forward exit, and used our legs and the trains to get around.

Yesterday and today we helped our son and daughter in law to move house, volunteering the car with its capacity to put down the back seats and carry lots of stuff.  This created several driving challenges for us - first we collected Son from work, having conducted reconnaissance yesterday so we knew where we were going and relying on him to provide local knowledge to get him home.  Over the two days we learnt very specific routes around a very small part of Sydney, and became reacquainted with the fact that a musician can never have too many instruments, and that the downtown vibe in Lane Cove is quite different from that of Newtown.

Wrong turns were involved, one of which took us terrifyingly over the Harbour Bridge.  All I can say is, thank goodness for the nice lady from Google Maps!

There was a wind tunnel effect right outside the new building.  The tree provided both a nature outlook and an indication of wind speed.

Now I know that that all of this was very nice and everyone will be very happy that we managed to park the car in the street again even if it involved a bit of pushing to roll it back into place, and a hike to get back home.  But no-one really cares about that.  The most important question is: has George come out from under the bed?

Well,  there is hope on the horizon because last night another cat caterwauled outside our bedroom window, and George was out from under the bed and up on the window sill lickety split to have cat conversations.  We seized the moment and offered her treats which she deigned to take from my hands before turning her back and ghosting me again.  

George exists.

As we went to sleep George stayed on the window sill, ignoring us and watching the night for signs of other cats.  I regret to report that this morning she is back under the bed and my cat-wooing skills are in disrepute.


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