7/12/21 Animal Encounters: Lane Cove National Park.

According to Roger tea must be drunk before 10am, and coffee thereafter.  Thus he sat on the front verandah in the morning, drinking tea and listening to birdsong while I slaved away on the computer inside.  This led to long chats with the (not very busy) cleaner who told him that the cabins are empty due to an overwhelming lack of housekeeping staff coinciding with the need for increased cleaning due to Covid. She also told him all about the bird life in the National Park, and then ambled off to continue her stressful day.  The mystery of the Empty Cabins was therefore solved, and was not exciting at all.

I started the day with a walk beside the River in the National Park.

Peace in the middle of the Big Smoke.

"You'll get stood on," I said.  He held his ground. I went around.

The animal theme continued throughout the day.

No, we do not share our dinner. And you are not allowed to wreck the flyscreen.

After dinner I walked up to Coles which was quite exciting because I got to use the fancy foot bridge that was under construction last time I was here.

On my walk back I managed to meet a whole heap of spiders who had just set up their webs for the night. None of us were happy about the meeting, but I dare say I got off more lightly than them.

I made sure I shut the screen door when I got home. I like to keep my animal encounters outside, thank you.


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