10/12/21 Making Friends With George: Sydney

George is not impressed.

Her owner has flown off to lands unknown and instead of leaving George in charge she has given two total strangers the run of George's home. They sleep in the bed under which George hides and clatter about in the kitchen where her food and water are to be found. They smell, look, and sound wrong.

They have put little treats out for George. George is a cat of strong (if timid) character: she will not be bought.

There is a stalemate in George's home.

Today the strangers went out in the morning, allowing George some blessed peace and quiet in which to do cat things and think cat thoughts. Unfortunately they came home again, banging grocery bags on the bench and yabbering on about what a short walk it was to Woolworths and how they better bring in the washing soon because it was going to rain.

Rain it did. There was thunder and lightning but George was safe under her bed. The temperature dropped with the rain, the strangers grumbled about the cold, but George was warm under her bed. The rain kept the strangers inside all day and George stayed under her bed, but she was getting hungry.

In the evening the strangers rejoiced because they figured out how to work George's Chromecast and sat on George's sofa watching George's TV. George was getting bored under her bed. Eventually she couldn't stand it any more so she went out to the kitchen for dinner. She ignored the strangers, thereby relegating them to the status of that which did not exist in her cat  world. They played along, staying quiet and still until George went back under her bed, and then they committed the unspeakable evil of placing treats in spots which George could not reach without coming out from under the bed.

Then they turned out the light and went to sleep.

The night belongs to George.

This is not George. There are no photos of George. George is under the bed 



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