09/12/21 A Cat Called George: Sydney

 I'm not quite sure what happened.  I've spent my whole life (apart from 3.5 university years in Brisbane) living in regional and remote Queensland and now here I am in the inner west of Sydney, living under the flight path for the Sydney Airport and looking after a cat called George.  And George is hiding under the bed and pretending that she doesn't exist.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

We had a couple of hours to kill in the middle of the day, before we could move in and take responsibility for George.

So we went for a ride on the Metro, which as you can see was insanely busy,

and wandered around MacQuarie Park shopping centre, which has gone for a creepy Jumanji-esq theme in it's Christmas decorations this year.

Yup.  Definitely Jumanji.

The drive over to George's house was a little fraught and involved a minor detour or two, but the nice lady from Google maps held our hands (metaphorically of course!), prevented marital discord, and patiently accommodated  our errors to bring us all in one piece to the correct street.

We went for a walk around our street and found a bicycle.  It was a well-worn bicycle. 

Newtown is an old part of Sydney, with lots of terrace houses some of which are in better condition than others.  And one has a Christmas dinosaur in the front yard.

When we got home we sat very quietly on the couch and George couldn't resist coming out to see if we were real and confirm that her human was not there.  We got out a treat but George was not convinced and ran back under the bed thereby giving us tomorrow's challenge: making friends with George.


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