We're on the way to Sydney, escaping South Australia just as Covid barged its way in. In no time at all we zipped through Murray Bridge and were back to our old friends the wheatfields and the Goyder Line, although I have to admit I wasn't expecting the red sandhills near Renmark.
Murray Bridge.
Renmark sandhills.
We took a deep breath before we entered Victoria, and didn't let it out until we left Victoria and landed in New South Wales.
There will be ramifications if you climb on the ram. Rampages may occur.
Bye Bye South Australia, hello Victoria!
The border between Victoria and NSW runs along the Murray River, and NSW was so inconsiderate as to place their border sign on the bridge, therefore there is no photographic proof that we actually entered NSW.
And hold your breath.
Oh, it was an exciting day weather-wise. The temperature outside the car hit 40C, thunderclouds towered into the sky, thunder and lightning rolled and crackled respectively, and we got all excited when we had to use the windscreen wipers for big fat drops of rain.
Look! A real storm!
But wait - there's more...
We've left the Murray River now and are spending the night in Balranald, beside the Murrumbidgee River. The Murrumbidgee is also full with a strong flow, and if I were the caravanners camping on the river side of the levee bank that runs through the caravan park, I would sleep a little uneasily tonight.
The Murrumbidgee River near our caravan park.
Swing bridge over the Murrumbidgee.
I gave them a hand. It was hard work. Someone put plastic over the saw teeth. And why is he resting a chainsaw on his foot?
I went to bed with these questions unanswered.
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