27/12/21 It's Been a Lovely Christmas

The streets of Newtown were quiet on Christmas morning, the number of empty parking spaces bearing witness to Christmas mornings being spent somewhere else.  Three distinct groups of people were on the streets: the dog walkers out early because a dog's need for a patch of grass trumps all other needs first thing in the morning; the parents, coffee clutched in their bleary fists, nobly pushing strollers with children too young to demand presents while the other parent (presumably) revelled in a Christmas morning lie in; and random people like me who went out for a walk because they were awake and the sun was shining and they could.

While out walking I found gates dressed in festive red.

On Christmas Eve we stood out in the street and waved to our daughter as her plane came in overhead to land, such is the wonder of Flightradar, the interwebs, and someone else picking her up.

On Christmas Day we had a delightful lunch with the full family, who of course are the best family that anyone could have and I say that without a trace of bias.  The Christmas leftovers bled into Boxing Day with more time spent together, and more eating, and the odd round of Jackbox TV or Unstable Unicorns, at which champions were made and dethroned just as quickly.

Because it doesn't matter how grown up you are, siblings still gonna try steal pavlova while everyone's looking at the camera.

Boxing Day entertainment: coffee pot fascination.

Today we had some more family time before we went back to the airport, missed a turn or two, executed a dodgy drop off without ever using reverse, and then supervised the plane via Flightradar until it landed safely on the tarmac in Melbourne.

It's been a lovely Christmas.


  1. Glad you could all be together, covid neg, even better. Very quiet time for us too before work. My comment re the dinosaurs which didn't post due to things you've now sorted, was I hope at least there is not a new generation of youngster terrified of huge dinosaurs rather then slightly rotund men in red suits.�� Merry Christmas.


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