Quiet Life with Cat

 After all the excitement of hospital stays, Emergency Department visits, and trying to balance the cost-benefit ratio of hospital cafeteria food, life became a little more settled.  After a week of blessedly boring drug levels BD was given a reprieve from daily blood tests and we, therefore, were released from daily drives to the nearest Melbourne Pathology lab.  We did some laundry and did some cleaning and I hopped on my bicycle and went for a ride or two.  Not that the weather was very conducive to enjoyable and relaxing bike riding, but I went anyway.

All was fine at Albert Park,

where the swans put on a good show, playing happy families all across the playing fields.

 But that didn't last for long.

Back at home the new cat let his crazy out to play.  He zoomed up and down the hallway in the middle of the night; scared the bejeebers out of us by jumping on the sound bar and blasting us with high volume TV; hid under chairs and batted at our ankles as we went past; and knocked plants down from high shelves. 

I am a well-behaved cat.  I have no designs on this plant.

He tried valiantly to join my telehealth assessments (yes, one of the sad results of BD's improving health was that my nose was once again pressed up against a grindstone for two days every week) and meowed plaintively outside the door every morning until we gave in and let him in to snuggle up in our warm bed.  

This is good.

He especially liked Roger.  That may have been because I kept kicking him off my keyboard and squirted him with cold water whenever he tried to help me with the cooking, and he was not impressed with that.

This is my human aka heated sitting pad.

We sat down with BD and made plans to re-start our Melbourne Museum explorations.  Then we looked at the weather and decided to wait a day or two, pulled up the lap blanket, and cuddled the cat instead.


  1. Typical Melbourne weather isn't it? For us cool and more like autumn for a day or two, which I'm enjoying, glad Bethany is getting better.


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