30 Year Anniversary on The Middle-ish Day of Spring

After two days of warm(ish) weather Roger grandly declared the arrival of summer as he changed into shorts and t-shirt, packed away his puffer jacket and fluffy slippers, and started making plans involving al fresco dining and lazy summer evenings.
Right on cue, in rolled a cold front bringing rain and thunderstorms, flooding the already soggy parts of NSW and Victoria and dropping the temperature substantially.
Flowers in the rain.

"This can't be right!" wailed Roger, wandering barefoot and forlorn through the house in his shorts and t-shirt, his lack of climate-appropriate clothing getting little sympathy from me. "I'm getting frost bite! Where's summer?"
Not here, obviously.
The two dogs (henceforth to be known as Silly 1&2 until they provide evidence for a change of name) followed him in eternal hope of a walk which was not going to happen due to the aforementioned weather.  The rainwater tank overflowed and ran a rivulet through the garden and across the patio.  Thankfully we were, as far as we could tell, in a non-leaky and not flood-prone house.

The dogs gave up and went to bed.

Well, one of them anyway.
I pointed out that, this being merely mid November, the best Roger could realistically hope for was a middle-ish day of a soggy Spring with Summer still waiting in the wings.

Despite the weather we had cause for celebration as November 14th was our 30th wedding anniversary which we commemorated by going out to lunch the day before, and planning for a bigger celebratory holiday next year. That left the actual day free for staying home being glad we didn't have to go out (both of us), and for loudly lamenting the lousy weather (guess who?).
Lunch to celebrate 29 years and 364 days of married life (correct) and the first day of summer (incorrect).  Photo bombers supplied free of charge by the cafe.

I reckon we can easily  knock over another 30 before we reach the age of 90.

 Unfortunately our wedding photos were all safely packed away in a box in a storage shed in Roma, so the best I could do when it came to reminiscing was this:
Costume party, very newly married.  No, the balls and chains were not a commentary on our recently changed status - the theme was convicts, thank you very much!

Late in the day the clouds lifted and the pallid sun peeped out for a moment.

"Maybe I'll go for a walk," said Roger.

The sun promptly went away and rain started to fall.  Roger gave up and went off to find his fluffy slippers, finally conceding that the first day of Summer was still to come.


  1. Congratulations guys! 30 years is nothing to be sneezed at! 🤧 From the Dunster's!

    1. Thanks Dunsters! A little birdie told me your 30th is not that far away either... So congratulations in advance ☺️


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