5/09/21 The Sad Case of the Man Who Trusted the Weather Forecast: Roma

There once was a man who trusted the weather forecast which told him that the morning would be cold and drizzly and that everything would get warmer and drier as the day progressed. The man planned his day accordingly: he wore a T-shirt and bare feet (and pants too, for those of you whose minds went there); he hung some washing on the line; he planned to wash the car.

Alas, the weather did not comply and where the forecast temperature went up, the real temperature went down; where the forecast rain cleared to perfect clothes-drying weather, the real rain drizzled and blew and made the clothes wetter.

The man was sad. But at least he wasn't cold, because he finally put on his fleecy jumper and some socks.

This resulted in a full day of disappointment, and every time the man went outside he came straight back inside again, grumbling about how cold it was out there. Unfortunately he had to go out to do errands and never did go put on his beanie, so he continued to grumble and the weather continued to do its own merry thing.

At the end of the day the clouds all blew away the rain stopped, the forecast and actual temperature matched, the weather apologised with a beautiful sunset, and the man was happy again (until the next time). 

Weather: I'll do better next time. Promise.
Man: You need to read the weather forecast. Then you'll know what to do.
Weather: Here. Have a pretty sunset.
Man: I like you now.
Weather: Ha! Give 'em a pretty sunset every so often and I can do what I like!


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