20/092021 Out of the Wind: Flinders Ranges to Port Augusta

I haven't worked for two Tuesdays in order to facilitate the Great Border Dash Detour, but all good things must come to an end and I have to virtually front up tomorrow and earn my keep.  With this in mind we reluctantly left the Flinders Ranges and headed back down the hill to Port Augusta.

Before we left we went for one last walk to the old Solar Power Station.  This may have been a very exciting thing to see back in 1998 when  it was built, but it lacks a little pizazz now, given the increase in number and size of solar power stations in the intervening 23 years.  Despite the underwhelming point of interest, the Flinders turned on a moody, cloudy morning with lots of wildflowers and a freezing wind to make the walk memorable.

From our caravan park cabin we can wander down to the 'shore' and look across the gulf to long lines of rolling stock with the southern Flinders Ranges in the background.  We went for a short walk but the weather, having considerately waited until we were booked into a cabin, is violently windy and cold. In fact, the wind blew so violently into the Port Augusta Woolworths store that it affected the ability of the self-service scales to calculate whether the goods had been placed in the bags, thereby exasperating the attendant who spent the whole day resetting the complaining systems. We soon gave up on the whole walk shenanigans and took ourselves back to our cosy cabin, very content to not be in a tent tonight.

Freight trains across the water, with the Flinders in the background.

I'm freezing.  Can we stop now and go back inside?


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