24/09/21 A Remarkable Day: Melrose

Mt Remarkable from Melrose Showgrounds.

We climbed the mountain.
Mt Remarkable is a shade under 1000m high and we started from Melrose at 389m and it was all up after that. The first part of the path intersects with multiple mountain bike trails until we entered the National Park through a gate which allegedly is there to keep the bicyclists out but we suspect it's also there to prevent fat people from climbing the mountain.

Phew! Just squeezed through!

In a nutshell, the trail was 15km return and delivered on South Australia's reputation for rocks.  There were big rocks, little rocks, and in-between rocks.  There were rocks scattered over the path and huge screes of rocks to clamber across.  There were even rocks whose only purpose in existing was to provide a surface on which to stub your toe.

It always looks easy at the start, doesn't it? A cold wind was forecast, with a maximum of 14C.  We wore lots of warm clothes which we then promptly discarded and had to lug all the way up and down again. The mountain sheltered us from the wind and the sun was hot.

The first of many rock screes, ranging in size from small to ginormous.

Ad we got higher we were treated to expansive views of the valley, patchworked with wheat and canola.

One of the larger screes we crossed. On the return leg we crossed one of these 3 times as we zig zagged down the slope.

But wait! There's more.

Down in the gully there you can see some wreckage. It was once a Piper aircraft on its way from Alice Springs to Adelaide via Leigh Creek. The pilot wasn't licenced to fly by instruments and ran into the mountain with all on board losing their lives. This happened in 1980 and over the intervening years quite a bit of the plane has walked off the mountain with passing hikers. All that's left now are the bits that are too big to fit in a backpack, and those are gradually edging further down the scree.

Green paddocks to the east.

To the west, the arid hills and the Spencer Gulf.

Grass tree forest at the top.

There is sadly nothing remarkable at the top, not even a decent view because there's too many trees. But there are tables for those willing to slog up here packing a picnic.

So down we went again, over more rocks.

And more screes.

With more beautiful views.

See the white spire in the bush at the bottom? That's the Monument, and also the start/end of the walk. Boy, was I glad to see that getting closer!

The final 500m is blessedly clear of rocks.

We took 3 hours to ascend and 2.5 to come back down, and were very glad to sit down by the time we got back to camp.  It wasn't all rocks though, there were some new flowers to photograph.

Unfortunately on our remarkable day we didn't get in to the museum in Melrose, so the cheese tree mystery is unresolved.  Maybe tomorrow, rail trail permitting...

Good night from shoe tree camp, Melrose Showgrounds.


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