The drive south from Whyalla to Cowell is not particularly inspiring, although the wheatfields appeared right on cue as we approached the vicinity of Goyders Line.
We dropped in to Lucky Bay and were fortunate enough to be there when the ferry from Wallaroo came in, which was a moment of great excitement for both of us.
Here she comes!
It was so exciting, in fact, that we hung around until the ferry went out again before we went looking for a park for lunch and realised that Lucky Bay, being a loosely organised collection of fishing sheds of varying constructional robustness, didn't quite stump up a picnic table for people such as ourselves. We gawked, and headed in to Cowell which is much better endowed in the picnic spot department.
Lucky Bay has a beautiful white sand beach, courtesy of the dredging required to keep the channel clear for the ferry.
Cowell also has a very nice main Street with lots of the beautiful old stone buildings we've come to expect from South Australia, and a local public toilet which doubles as an Art Gallery (if you don't believe me go look for yourself: I have it on good authority that the men's is equally aesthetically pleasing).
The paintings are for sale, and there's an honesty system to pay. So it is entirely possible to go to the loo and come out with a newly-purchased painting.
The foreshore is under redevelopment and promises great things when it emerges from the current construction stage. For the moment, all you can do is tiptoe through the construction and take the boardwalk out into the mangroves.
Hut at the end of the mangrove boardwalk.
Our caravan park likes bright colours: the cabins are bright colours, the reception is a lesson in feature walls, and the concrete boundaries are brightly painted. Behind that is what is promised to be a beautiful foreshore.
A stiff southerly is blowing, so we feel very fortunate to have this
salubrious camp kitchen all to ourselves as we are the only people silly
enough to be in a tent in this weather
As if the camp kitchen isn't enough, there is a dedicated fish-cleaning and crab-cooking facility right next to the camp kitchen.
Home for the night: Cowell Foreshore Caravan Park.
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