26/01/2022 M&D Removals Extraordinaire!: Sydney

Lane Cove Caravan Park hasn't gotten any busier since we were here last, back in December.  Not we were complaining, mind, because after the little flat in Newtown it was a great pleasure to loll around in an air-conditioned cabin, looking out at the trees and doing a spot of work here and there.

We had lots of visitors.

The kind of visitors from whom you have to protect your breakfast.

And your lunch.

And your snacks.

On Monday evening we went  for a walk in the National Park with our son, past the Fairyland Pleasure Grounds. Sadly,  one can no longer  test one's strength on the strength-testing machines, pay a penny  to watch a silent film, or ride the razzle-dazzle to  wherever the razzle-dazzle goes.  Bought by National Parks  in the '70s, the Pleasure Grounds have gradually reverted back to bushland with a strong complement of mosquitoes and the odd relic here and there. 

An occasional reminder of the Pleasure Ground rides.
We quickly realised that the days when we could out-walk our children were long gone and we needs must beg mercy on the hills and pause at the top to 'admire the view' while we caught our breath. Lane Cove River, as always, delivered handsomely on water dragons and reflections.

Roger spent Tuesday farewelling George and doing exciting stuff at the house-sit like bringing in the laundry and hearing the life story of the next door neighbour.  Back at the cabin, the visitors continued...

These pleasant little interludes were all but a sideshow to the main event, which was us finishing our Sydney Sojourn as we started: exercising our superpowers as the Mum&Dad Removalist Company Extraordinaire!  

Having spent our first days in Sydney playing car tetris with guitars, moving one son from here to there,  we spent our last day in Sydney playing plate-and-bowl tetris as we packed up another son's kitchen for his move from there to here.  I'm glad to report that, in the interests of continuing positive parent-child relationships, I controlled my urge to mis-label all the boxes and contented myself with drawing the odd silly picture on them instead. 

The dog got tired of  us, and put himself to bed.

Having gotten into the swing of packing, we came home and packed the car ready for an early getaway tomorrow.

Home for the last night in Sydney, and base for M&D Removals Ext. 


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