21/01/22 George The Cat Who Likes to Say Hello.

Our time in Sydney is drawing to a close. On Tuesday George's owner comes home and we tootle off to a cabin for two days so I can deal with pesky work. After that we're off down to Melbourne where two little dogs and a cat await our care while their owners are away. Oh, and I expect our daughter will visit once or twice too, seeing as we'll be just around the corner from her and she loves little dogs.

I had high hopes of climbing Mt Kosciuszko on our way from Sydney to Melbourne but alas, due to the need to get to Melbourne to meet the next sit's owners in real life,  that epic adventure will have to wait for another day.  

We're spending our last days in Sydney doing the most important stuff: spending time with the family.  Tonight our son and daughter in law came for dinner, and a very good time was had by all. They even gave us tips on how to order from the scary Chinese grandmother who runs the best dumpling shop in King St.

They asked after George.

"You won't see George," we said. "She's really timid and she hides under the bed when strangers come to visit "

Well blow me down if George didn't wander out all calm, cool, and collected and make a great show of smooching up to my son like she didn't have a timid bone in her body. 

Liar liar fur on fire.

Once he'd gone she turned off the charm, had a quick nibble on the indoor plants, and sauntered back  under the bed for a nap.

Such is life with George, now to be known as The Cat Who Likes to Say Hello.


  1. Yes one day I too will reach the peak of Mt Kosciuszko, but like you it remained out of reach, when we were there 4 years ago, inclement weather prevented us. We made it up the chairlift and walked to the first look out, mmmm no view as swirling mist and light rain. And as Naarah was nearly being blown off the path, being a light weight, we decided that it was best to retreat before the full force of storm hit. Maybe one day we'll both get there.

    1. Yes, we've been as far as the top of the ski lift but too late in the day and kids too small for the walk. Another day! At least we know we'll be back regularly while the boys are in Sydney.


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