Every Road Trip Has To End

Morning on the last day of our road trip.

A gentle breeze blew all night and prevented the dew from settling, allowing us to pack up a dry camp in the morning.  This made me very happy.

Contented bird.

 We caught a ferry over the river at Tailem Bend, the ferry in Wellington being out of action due to the Murray still being in flood (albeit receding) from the rain that fell in Queensland and New South Wales six months ago.  The Subway at Tailem Bend had the most fantastic view over the Murray River, compensating somewhat for the rank inedibility of its coffee.

Absolutely terrible coffee,
but a beautiful view of the Murray river.

Every road trip has to end, and this was the end of ours.  It was a little strange to settle into our Air Bnb in Mount Barker, make contact with family, and trundle through two days work before the next house sit.

At least I had a leafy window to look out of.  Not that I would spend any of my work time looking out of windows.  Of course not.

Sadly, we will have to start thinking about mundane things like grocery shopping and taking dogs for walks and doing the vacuuming.  Pelican sightings will be less common. We have a new list of things we need to come back and see between Adelaide and Melbourne. The blog will revert back to its usual erratic programming. Until the next adventure, anyway.

I'll leave you with some birds from the trip, just because I can.

Swallows in the morning.

Did you know that South Australia boast only one bushranger, and he (allegedly) rode an ostrich?  No, neither did I.  It's a short story in more ways than one.  He was a short man (little enough to ride an ostrich, apparently).  He bushranged people.  They didn't like being bushranged.  Someone chased him.  He rode away on an ostrich, as fast as he (actually the ostrich) could.  It wasn't fast enough and someone shot him.  And the ostrich.  The End.

An LBB (little brown bird) in the Coorong.

Pied Cormorant on the left, Black Faced Cormorant on the right.

Polly wants your lunch.



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