14-15 Feb: Happy Valentines!

Quite some time ago we scoffed at our then-teenage children as they wandered forlornly in search of wifi while on holidays.  Well, we may be late to the party but we had plenty of time to scoff at ourselves as we wandered forlornly through the Pine Country Caravan Park in search of a decent phone signal.  I blamed the Blue Lake Crater hill for getting in the way as I gave up on any internet joys and searched the slim literary pickings in the laundry swapping library.

Valentine's Day always needs a rose.

During the day I sat in my 'office' and watched sparrows play in the hedge outside my window. Children squabbled past, frazzled parents herding them to and from the jumping pillow. After work I  walked around the Blue Lake, finding out along the way that there are actually two lakes, the Blue and Valley lakes, separated by what was once Leg Of Mutton lake and is now parkland and gardens.

The Blue Lake, being blue.

Roger came back from his forays downtown bursting with enthusiasm and horror in equal measure. Turns out Mt Gambier embraces it's position on a cave-riddled limestone plateau such that sinkholes, turned into gardens, litter the CBD and cave tours can be had in suburban parks.  The horror came from being an engineer and thinking about building things with foundations which might collapse into sinkholes at any minute, and the travails of running highways over limestone caverns which Mt Gambier does freely. We learnt later that when sinkholes do appear in the roads Mt Gambier just fills them up and carries on, having so far not lost more than the odd car or two to this philosophy.  Which might be problematic when one too many road trains rumbles over the slowly-expanding cavern under the Jubilee Highway.

We decided to stay another day in Mt Gambier to check out the sinkholes and caves and to watch the free Volcano movie which the local Gallery advertised as a 'world class cinematic event.' I can't wait.

Home for another night: Pine Country Caravan Park.


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