Doing Christmas Things

Summer finally arrived in Melbourne and not a minute too soon, with Christmas lurking just around the corner. The combination of warm weather and Christmas sent us out to do Christmas things.

First we headed off to look at the local Christmas lights.  We started off in fine form before realising that for the lights to work the sun had to be, you know, set; and due to that inane custom known as daylight saving the sunset hadn't happened yet.  So we found a park with a good view of the sunset, ate chocolate, and waited for nature to take it's course.  Which it did, and off we went again in search of lights.

We found some lights, 

took some photos,

and made silly faces.

A couple of days later we went to the Christmas Carnival in town, which wasn't nearly as exciting on a Monday evening as it looked when I rode my bicycle through it on Saturday afternoon. Regardless, BD and I rode the big wheel 


while Roger guarded our bags and thanked his lucky and height-averse stars that he wasn't riding the big wheel.

He'd sooner be down there than up here.

We wandered across the Yarra, appreciating some of Melbourne's Christmas decorations,

Yes, you see dolphins with antlers.

and lingered for a while to watch a street artist juggle knives and fire. Not together, I might add.

Be careful now.

You!  Yes, you.  A volunteer!

Being on a ladder makes it harder.

And after all that we went home to do more pre-Christmas things, eat pre-Christmas food, and to hang out with family via video while we opened our Secret Santa presents two days early.



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