Another Dull Day in the Office...

A little while ago we were looking at the map of Melbourne and Port Phillip Bay, planning all kinds of bicycle-related adventures that were unlikely to happen in real life.

"Look at that!" Said Roger. "There's a ferry from Melbourne to Geelong. Why would anyone do that when the train and the highway are both quicker?"

Of course once we knew the ferry was there we just had to catch it and the end of our house sit with the Sillies gave us the perfect opportunity. We invited BD to come too. I don't think spending time on a ferry to Geelong and back was high on her list of Things To Do Before I Die, but along she came anyway.  Summer even showed up for the weekend and absolved us of the need to include puffer jackets and boots in our overnight bags.

We jumped on the train and off we went to Southern Cross station, right next to Docklands.

 We waited for the ferry in the company of lots of very happy people in fancy dress.  The happy people were waiting for the party boat and kept us entertained with their costumes and hi-jinks.  The sober crowd of us who boarded the ferry were quite dull in comparison.

Docklands was dressed up for Christmas. 

Port Phillip Bay turned on it's best behaviour for the trip.  The water was smooth and still, the wind was warm, the sun made cameo appearances, and we sat at the very front of the ferry and tried to pretend that we were very grown up and not excited at all.

Just another dull day in the office.

Out to sea.

Alas, the cafe on board promised much and failed to deliver.  BD was reduced to eating her own snack stash.

Geelong ahead,

...and Melbourne somewhere behind.

Geelong surprised us with a fine collection of laneways and eating places, most of which were unfortunately shut on a Sunday night.  We got burgers by the skin of our teeth, ordering just before the kitchen closed.

Nice burgers.

Our chosen accommodation was too far to walk, particularly after a long day and a large burger. Thankfully we had BD with us to teach us how Uber worked, being very patient with numerous questions and feeding her father's need for statistics and up to date tracking information.

Uber for Dummies

We arrived at the Barwon River Caravan Park to the realisation that we didn't actually know where our cabin was, only that it was unlocked and the keys were inside.  This caused some minor tension within the party but thankfully the number of cabins in the caravan park was limited and a process of elimination (oh, and a map, thanks Google!) led us to our night's shelter.

Two of us combed the wind tangles from our hair and then we all went to bed, tired out from our exciting day on the ferry and already getting excited about doing it all again tomorrow.

Be careful! There are dinosaurs at the Barwon River Caravan Park.




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