Christmas At The Aquarium

We decided to rewrite our Christmas traditions given that it was only us and BD this year and none of us felt like doing lots of cooking and we already did our presents with Secret Santa a couple of days ago.

In theory I slept in. In practice we both got up, had first breakfast, walked the dog, picked up the dog poo, did a load of washing and a spot of pool maintenance all before BD texted us to say she was up and we could come over to have brunch/second breakfast and start Christmas proper.

Christmas morning walks.  Dog refusing to pose for the camera.
Second breakfast.  Or first lunch.

One Christmas movie and a plateful of pancakes later we jumped on the train and headed in to town. The trains were all free on Christmas Day, which means it's theoretically possible to pack a picnic and travel the trains all day but we hadn't thought of that in time so we used the train in the conventional manner, just to get in to town.

Empty streets at the train station.

Sun sparkled on the water and Christmas picnickers clustered in the shade as we wandered along the river to the Aquarium.

Melbourne City wished us and the picnickers a Merry Christmas.

The elevated railway provided welcome shade from the midday sun,

and the Aquarium was right where it was meant to be.

We went to the Aquarium because we thought that everyone else would be at home sleeping off Christmas lunch and us clever people would have the place to ourselves. Unfortunately a lot of other clever people had the same idea so the place was packed, but we had a good time anyway.

We saw clown fish in anenome castles,

jellyfish lolling about doing jellyfish things,
and dancing jellyfish dances.

Of course jellyfish weren't the only interesting things at the Aquarium.  We were steadfastly ignored by the Emperor penguins,

the sea-horses, the Murray cod,

the tree-snake, and a frog.

Eventually we popped, blinking, out into the bright afternoon sunshine and caught the train back to BD's house for more food, more Christmas movies, and some serious cat cuddling.

Where's my present then?

By the time we got back to our place Cobwebs had convinced herself that she had been abandoned forever and was thus so delighted at our return that she forgave us for smelling traitorously of cat. Feeling suitably guilty we gave in, set thoughts of The Diet aside, and handed out bedtime treats before going to bed to dream of dancing jellyfish.

I hope that wherever it was and however you spent it, your Christmas day was a good one too.



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