Two Small Dogs Went Out One Day

Two small dogs went out for a walk one cold and cloudy morning. They persuaded their person to take them early, because the forecast rain and wind would prevent later walks and if they didn't go for a walk they would just squabble all afternoon. D1 fought wildly at the end of his lead for the first 300m of his walk. He snapped and growled and threatened and bullied while D2 grasped his own lead firmly between his teeth, ignored D1, and took himself out at a nice brisk trot. Frustrated by being ignored, D1 excelled himself with fighting and snarling to the point that he pulled himself out of his collar and his person yelled his name very loudly which was quite shocking. Before he knew what was going on his collar was back on and he was walking in dog Coventry without any chance of snapping at D2 at all. Once the magic 300m mark was reached D1&2 decided they would comport themselves like normal dogs, and everyone was happy. They even got to walk ove...