08/04/2022 I'm Melbourne Bound (Again)

"I've got Covid!" 

Proudly announced by our most vulnerable family member, living alone in Melbourne with a swag of co-morbidities and two housemates who removed themselves quicker than you could say 'Positive RAT test.'

"I'm all good," asserted Family Member.  "All vaccinated, feel OK, gonna enjoy a week off and chill at home."

We were positive and upbeat for Family Member, full disaster prep mode in the background, planning busily for if 'all good' turned into Worst Case Scenario.  Accordingly, I quickly took a house sit in Melbourne with the view that if all was good I would have a short holiday in Melbourne and if Worst Case happened I wouldn't have to pay for accommodation in Melbourne while I dealt with whatever Worst Case looked like.

Thus it was that this morning I waved farewell to Roger (who would only come to Melbourne in the event of Worst Case, which was looking increasingly unlikely), and tootled off down the highway, Melbourne-bound.

I found some silo art along the way:


and Kaniva


and saw some autumn leaves in Bordertown where I had lunch to allow a tail gating truck driver to go on his merry way, tail gating someone else.


Bordertown was also hosting the SA Masters Games.  The street was humming with fit and happy Masters people who are not in this photo.  This photo is of the coloured leaves.

 I met some sheep in Kaniva. Let me introduce you to some of them:

Sesame Street sheep.

Flaming sheep.

Serious ANZAC sheep guarding gun.

Cottage sheep

??The P sheep??

Creepy hand sheep.

Purple racing sheep. 

And finally, shopping sheep.

Let me be clear that none of these sheep were pigs, even though some of them looked like it. There were heaps more sheep in Kiniva but I ran out of time go go sheep seeking, let alone checking out the sheep-tag QR codes to find out all the sheepish details.  I was also far too woolly headed to think of any appropriately sheepish puns.  Instead I kept on going down the highway through butter-coloured paddocks full of real, unpainted sheep.  Columns of smoke from burning wheat stubble blended with clouds that never quite built up to any rain, and it was all so pretty that I took a detour from the highway and drove some country road on the way in to Horsham.


I stopped in Ararat for the night.  Ararat has pretty buildings,


and gave me a satisfying sunset to finish off the day.


  1. Mmmm, not the kind of news one wants to hear. Hope recovery of susceptible one is going well, we coughed and spluttered for a week or two, but were over worst after 4-5 days. Now it's all in the past, hopefully never to be recaught.

    1. Thankfully all appears to have gone well and I just have a holiday in Melbourne now😀


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