30/04/2022 The Downhill Bit: Crafers Bikeway
In a fit of enthusiasm earlier in the year, Roger and I decided that every month we would try to ride just a few kilometers more than what we did the month before. In January I rode 193 km. In February I rode 220 km. We won't talk about March. Today was the last day of April, so April's total relied on how far I rode today, but we had other commitments taking precedence over bike riding. Namely, our weekly drive up to the Adelaide Hills to visit with family. From the car it's possible to catch glimpses of Lycra Lads on a bike path beside the highway, usually grinding up the hill to earn the coffee that they'll have at the top. The sight of the Lycra Lads set off a light bulb in my wee brain: what better way to round off April than to get Roger to drop me at the top of the hill so I could have fun going down without all the hard work of going up? Even better, if I did it after lunch all the Lycra Lads would have gone home so I wouldn't shame them with my awe...