Merry Christmas

Storms hammered the east coast of Australia. Thankfully all our east coasters flew out before the storms started and joined us in Victor Harbor to experience South Australia's version of summer. 

The sun shone brightly on their arrival demonstrating both that SA could do beautiful weather and that it would not last for long.

As we traveled the Yorke Peninsula over the past weeks, we stopped in at all the charity shops and bought Christmas decorations and festive items, stashing them in the car wherever we could. When came time to decorate our Vincent Harbor unit we were pleasantly surprised by just how many decorations we had found.


We even found a Christmas tree!

The day proceeded as Christmases do, with food and festivities. Roger started with crippling back pain but, much to his delight, got better as the day wore on.  Presents were given and Secret Santas inadvertently blurted out their identities all over the place. Games were played and naps were taken. 

Serious nap business.

Bon bons must be pulled, even by those who don't like the bang. And the silly hats must then be worn, no excuses.

Christmas phone business.

Christmas balcony supervision.

The more adventurous walked over to the other side of Granite Island and thrilled to the huge waves where sea met stone, while the less adventurous played more games and practised Olympic napping.

When we finally returned to Menagerie Manor the animals were less than impressed. The dog, relegated while we were out to her kennel on the windy verandah, wanted to be inside. The cats, bored with tangoing in the kitty litter and stalking kitty toys, wanted to go out. The chooks, being bird-brained creatures, had no opinions.

Cats did cat things.

We crawled into bed tired and happy.

Wherever your Christmas was, and however you spent it, I hope it was peaceful and refreshing and you are ready to face whatever 2024 may bring.


  1. We are pleased you were able to have all your family with you for Christmas & we wish you all a very Happy & Blessed New Year.......Glenys Dunster

    1. Thanks Glenys! I hope that you had a restful and enjoyable Christmas as well, and all the best for 2024.


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