Chocolate Labrador Number Two

Back in October 2021 our first house-sitting gig was caring for a blind chocolate Labrador with a habit of happily dribbling as he laid his heavy head on his chosen person's knee before trying to climb into their lap.  Two and bit years later and here we are caring for a blind chocolate Labrador who could well be his sister, given her predilection for laying her heavy head on your knee before trying to climb into your lap.  Thank goodness she's not quite the dribbler that the first one was!  

This chocolate lab comes with two cat siblings and a chookyard out the back, in which three chooks consider themselves to be ruling the roost.

There's a strange person in my house.  Oh well.

This little menagerie has brought us to Goolwa.  We've lost our expansive sea views of Wallaroo and no longer have a ferry to supervise, but we're within spitting distance of the open beach at Goolwa, the Murray mouth, the Coorong, and all sorts of interesting places to explore.  And it's nearly Christmas, so the place is crawling with tourists and school holiday crowds (all 6 of them!) and the Cockle Train runs extra services up and down between Victor Harbor and Goolwa, busily blowing its whistle at every level crossing.

Running a real locomotive too, not the little Red Hen rail car.

Even the downtown pelicans are getting into the spirit of things.

We arrived in Goolwa on a grey, rainy day.  I rode my bike from Victor Harbor, just because I could and also because we were killing time between check out from the Caravan Park and departure of our latest home owners on their great adventure.

Along the way I found a Christmas Cow, not the most reassuring of animals.

The chocolate lab #2 gave a desultory bark when I wheeled my bike in the back yard, and then ruined her watchdog credentials by succumbing to pats with vigorous tail wagging.   The cats were not so easily beguiled.  They spent the first unsettled night thundering up and down the hallway and dancing the tango in their (very noisy) kitty litter. 

I'm watching you.


I'm off to put my cat-whispering dog-taming chook-charming skills to work.  That and do some actual work, which will be a bit of a shock given that I've just spent two weeks swanning around on a bicycle with not a thought of work in my head.



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