8/11/21 Urban Riding 3: Adelaide

I'm getting quite familiar with the Outer Harbour Greenway, and today Roger joined me and we rode together into the city.

Adelaide is surrounded by an impressive belt of parkland that separates the business centre and North Adelaide from the rest of the city.  The Parklands Trail wanders for 20+ km to circumnavigate the city via the Parklands, so circumnavigate we did:

Boldly, we followed the blue dots;

Pedaled past the paddocks: here the parklands are used as horse paddocks but are still open for the public to wander as they will (without disturbing the horses, of course).

Meandered by the mansions;

Bicycled over the bridges;

Traipsed through the trees;

Perambulated past the playing fields;

Sojourned through the cemetery;

Galloped through the graveyards;

Loitered by the lake;

Hooned past the horses (don't touch!  These are working horses at the police stables, and have been known to bite.); 

tootled along the Torrens;

and frolicked past the flowers.

We also rolled along the railway and zoomed past the zoo, but sadly to say I didn't think to take a photo of those alliterative achievements.

On completion of our loop around the city we discovered that our train had just left and we had 30min to wait until the next one.

"Let's keep going" we said. "And stop at the next station along."  And then we said the same thing at the next station as well, and we had a tailwind and a slight downhill, and before we knew it we were trying to race the train home. Never each other, of course, just the train I promise.

We won!  

T'was a good day.


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