18/11/21 Gravity Assisted Riding: Belair to Port Adelaide

Once a week we head up to the Adelaide Hills to catch up with family.  The Hills being, you know, hills, are higher than Adelaide which is largely flat at sea level.  This means that once a week I get Roger to drop me off somewhere so I can enjoy a gravity-assisted ride home.

Today I started my ride in Belair, halfway up the hill and distinguished by a pretty railway station, a National Park, lots of mountain bike trails, and the Belair-Lynton bike way.  The mountain bikers catch the train up and zoom down the mountain bike trails, rinse and repeat all day long.  The mountain bike trails are too scary for me:

I took the Bikeway,

which had some steep bits all of its own,

and some beautiful views of Glenelg...

...and the city.

Once I got down to the bottom of the hill I wandered along back roads and bike paths toward the city.  Every path was signed slightly differently depending on which local area I was in, and as a result I may or may not have taken a few unplanned detours along the way.

There were beautiful tree lined streets,

and slightly creepy street art.

Now the original plan was to continue pedaling all the way along the Linear Path to the mouth of the Torrens, where Roger would meet me and we would have takeaway dinner by the sea.  The weather didn't play along with this and by the time I got to the city the day was cloudy and drizzling, so we called off the whole seaside dinner and I pedaled home along my old friend the Outer Harbour Greenway.  I didn't take any photos of the OHG: we know each other too well for that.


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