After 500+km of rail trails, 4000+km of rattling along on top of the car in all types of weather, and multiple other trips of varying length and roughness, the bikes have both asked for a break.
This is not a good look in a tyre.
So we left the bikes at home today and headed out in the car to see the sights of Point Westall and Cape Bauer. It was a slow drive due to (as usual) the rough and rocky road, but the Yanerbie sand hills were worth the trip. I'll let the pictures tell the story:
After the Yanerbie sandhills came the Smooth Pool and The Granites:
Southern Ocean waves dampened down by the northerly breeze but still making an impressive sight at the Smooth Pool (which wasn't that smooth, as far as we could tell).
Smoko overlooking the Smooth Pool, enjoying the gentle northerly breeze which the BoM assures us is due to change back to a raging southerly early this afternoon.
Locals continued to gambol, swim, and snorkel in the water. I'd lay my money that none of them are from Queensland.
We had barely gotten home when the southerly wind arrived as forecast and we retreated to the cabin and relished not being in the tent. Roger made a brief foray out to watch the sunset (I wasn't that silly) but he was soon back inside to defrost.
Tomorrow we're back in the tent, so tonight we will make the most of being protected from the wind and cold outside. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some pancakes to make for dinner.
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