28/10/21 Sunshine and Showers: Adelaide

 The weather here in southern Australia changes more quickly than a toddler's tantrum.  Buddy and I barely made it home from our morning walk before the first wave of weather moved through.

It is not possible to rush home with an old blind dog.  He can't see the weather and he doesn't care.  I don't know if he can hear the thunder or not, but he doesn't care about that either.  He has things to sniff and sniff he must, and should he be hurried he will merely sit until he has sniffed enough.

The storms went on to deliver hail and heavy (by South Australia's standards) rain to parts of Adelaide, but we were unaware of this.  We left Buddy at home and with our shiny new Metro cards we sallied forth upon the Adelaide Metro all the way to the CBD, where it was raining again.

"I think  we'll skip the Botanic Gardens and the Zoo," we said, looking at the rain. "Lets catch the free bus instead."

Rundle St Mall in the rain.

So we did.  The free bus took us on a loop around the CBD and North Adelaide, and we looked at all the old stone buildings from the rain-proof comfort of the bus.

Sensible man stands under cover while waiting for the pedestrian lights to change.  I may need to buy an umbrella.  I think I owned one once, but I don't know where it is now.

We got off the bus and went to the museum.  We were last in Adelaide some 10 years ago and we went to the museum then.  Just so you know, nothing has changed at the Adelaide Museum in the last 10 years.  The new thing was an exhibition of the 2021 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year competition winners which was well worth the $10 entry fee.  You can cheat and look at the winning entries via the link here if you like.

Roger found his new address whilst walking around Adelaide.  Win!

It was nearly 1630 by the time we'd  done all that and  had a cup of coffee/tea, so we hurried back to the train station to beat the peak hour rush.

Rush hour crowds, Adelaide Railway Station.

 Buddy was very glad to have us home, and reminded us that we had a responsibility to feed him.  We were happy to be home and put our feet up after lots of walking.  We were all happy after a busy day.


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