Winter, which was gloriously absent in Girraween, chased us down in Stanthorpe and decided to hang out with us in Warwick. At least it left its mates Rain and Wind behind, so we have enjoyed brilliant sun-shiney days just without the warmth which we have come to expect from the sun. We've ditched the tent while in Warwick and are sleeping in the car, which is far better insulated and quieter to boot. We're also rationing our 'warm' activities to one per night: movies last night, dinner out tonight. It's amazing how slowly you can eat when it's cold outside.
While in Warwick we've been tripping down memory lane:
Revisiting his largest construction project. Very happy to report it is still standing strong after 26 years. |
Tiddalik, down by the Condamine River. The kids used to love visiting this frog when they were little. |
Top speed of 72.4km/hour. My truely terrifying PB, made more terrifying by the cold air causing my eyes to water so much that I could barely see. But not so terrifying that I was going to spoil a good downhill with brakes. |
Tonight we've left the freezer blocks out on the table to re-freeze, put the milk in the Esky to ensure it is liquid in the morning, and do not intend to come out of this cosy car until the sun makes its appearance in the morning.
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