I'm Not Used To Working Every Day

Well that was a nice little break from blog updates, wasn't it?

I worked 4 days/week for the month of August while my other (work) half went gallivanting off around the world. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) my constitution had gotten quite used to the whole two day week/five day weekend routine so this venture back into the world of more work was not much fun apart from the undeniable financial benefits. Unfortunately work stretched, as work does, into September so I have another week of suffering before life returns to normal programming.

A winter sunset, just because it's pretty.

As if working wasn't enough to keep me out of mischief we moved back to the Adelaide suburbs to take care of a Great Pyrenees and three chooks. That's a Great Pyrenees dog, in case you were wondering. He's big, white, fluffy, and comes with a lot of slobber.

Slobber not pictured.

The chooks and Great Pyrenees come with a large garden already showing hints of spring. For the first two weeks in August the magnolia tree in the front yard shed a carpet of petals across the driveway which was all very pretty but generated endless sweeping. Jasmine vines dripped sweet white flowers over the fence and the fruit trees produced more lemons, oranges, and cumquats than we could ever hope to eat. 

Magnolia putting on a show.

Down by the Torrens a dozen different varieties of wattle jostled for space beside the path. Winter tussled with Spring in a rapid-fire rotation of sunshine and rainstorm, hot days and days to stay inside and put on the heater. Every time the sun shone Adelaideans popped out of the shadows and went to the beach, not that anyone swam of course but it was nice to think about it.

Not the nicest of days...

That's better.

So here I am at the tail end of Winter, all ready for Spring and some warmer weather and planning adventures like they're going out of fashion.

I just have to slog through the last week of work first.


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