Cat, Mouse, Dog.

We booked ourselves in to a whole heap of Adelaide Fringe events over the month of March, spreading everything out well to prevent ourselves from entertainement-induced exhaustion.  Then along came covid, and we rescheduled our events for later. Then along came a week of proper hot weather so we rescheduled again and the result of all our rescheduling was we ended up with a cat to care for, an overlapping house sit, a dog to walk twice a day, a house to clean, a pool to pacify, and several Fringe events including a walking tour in the city. Suffice to say we werea little busy, which was a shock for our semi-retired selves.

I'm not sure if Mallfest is a seperate festival, part of Fringe, or part of the Adelaide Festival. Because you can never have too many festivals in one month.

A moment of quiet while we waited for our show. Not my wine glass, just saying.

Festival grounds by night.

The cat, not liking all this to-ing and fro-ing, went slightly bonkers and then, in an act of fealty, brought me an early morning present.  Leaping out of bed at kookaburra call, keen to polish off the last bit of bathroom cleaning, I met a decapitated and slightly-munched mouse bleeding all over my freshly vacuumed carpets. Luckily mice don't have a lot of blood to spill. 

Cat and I had a conversation during which she remained unrepentant, reserving her right to kill and eat any rodent that invaded her netted patio kingdom.

I met Roger in town and we went on a Criminal History walking tour of Adelaide during which we learnt that Adelaide (and it claims this crown with a disturbing aura of pride) is the serial killer capital of Australia, and South Australia's serial killers have the dubious honour of being some of Australia's most prolific (if that's the right word) serial killers. I guess the philosophy that if something's worth doing it's worth doing well can be applied to serial killing as a career choice.

Ok, enough dark humour.

I said goodbye to the cat and went to meet our new dog, with whom Roger had been bonding for the past 24 hours.

Sunset from our new spot.

The new dog is a character, being a working dog who failed spectacularly at the working bit, preferring a life of leisure interspersed with a little walk here or there, and doting humans providing regulat treats. Everyone stops to say hello to him when walking out on the beach in the morning and he is, without exception, friends with every other dog he meets.  He is not the slightest bit interested in decapitating rodents and presenting them as gifts before breakfast. He would be the perfect pet were it not for an occasional bout of flatulence.

Nice as he is, I'm ditching him and Roger tomorrow, loading my bicycle with bags, and going for a ride.

I'll keep you posted.


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