01/07/2023 Just Another Bike Ride

If you thought nothing much was happening in the world of WhileNotWorking, you'd be right.  Cold, wet winter did not encourage adventures, and we settled into our cosy house sit with the cat demanding regular brushing and a lap to lie in.  When a break in the weather came along I decided, in honour of the start of the new month and my ongoing quest to average at least 200km/month for the entire year, to do something different and go for a bike ride.  Roger, keen to take his new super quick Cannondale for a spin, wound up his rabbit legs and came too.  We caught the train to Seacliff to take advantage of a tailwind as we rode the foreshore from south to north. The train wasn't very full, even though the football was on.  The passengers were in two camps: people like us with bikes in tow, and people all dressed up in football colours.

Serious train moment.

It was a quick trip down to the sea from Seacliff railway station.  I found a bike buddy on the way.

The path starts here.  Behind me, that is.  That path you can see goes nowhere.

Seaweed covered the beaches at Seacliff, driven in by the winter winds and currents.  Further out to sea three little sail boats completed complicated choreography around a series of buoys.

At Brighton, sea kayakers set out in brightly coloured craft under a fickle sun.

The sea slopped hungrily at the rock walls north of Glenelg, having taken all the sand and moved it north to Port Adelaide. Not that the lack of sand was particularly bothersome to me: I was too busy setting up symmetrical bicycle poses outside the amenities.


While I busily arranged bicycles, hardy little souls zoomed overhead in the Glenelg waterslide, seeking thrills, adventure, and hypothermia in one easy package.


 Bicycle ride completed, home I went to a cat who was very unimpressed by having been left alone all day.  Placatory brushing was required and lap duties duly paid.

Paying cat snuggle dues.  He's very relaxed.  Sometimes he gets so relaxed that he falls off.  We laugh, he gets insulted and leaves. Cats have feelings too.

Just for fun: beautiful building at Glenelg.


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