The Twilight Zone

The time period between Christmas and New Year is a twilight zone, where meals consist of leftovers and the plethora of public holidays mess with everyone's orientation to time and date. Struggling valiantly to remember what day it was, we nevertheless kept busy with all the family over from the east coast, and lots of things to do and see around Goolwa. Not that the weather played ball: the wind blew a gale, the temperature struggled to crack 20C, and there was just enough rain to make things miserable. One of the visitors got sick and it was at least a small mercy that they had the room where one could lie in bed and look at the sea. For that matter one could lie in the bath or sit on the toilet whilst looking at the sea, should one so desire. Out on the windward side of Granite Island the waves smashed into rocks and sent showers of spray splattering up to those of us who had ventured out for a walk. We raided the op shops downtown, where thanks to someone else's ea...