I Didn't See Any Koalas.

The dog and I had a few days at home on our own while Roger gallivanted around Sydney in the rain, attending a graduation and catching up with family.

In McLarenvale bright sunshine filled a cloudless sky, the light breeze was neither too hot nor too cold, and the autumn leaves glittered red and gold in the vineyards. 


I jumped on my bicycle and took off for another uphill-downhill ride on roads I'd not traveled before. Having had a lot of type 2 fun last time, I looked at today's route carefully and adjusted my expectations to match, therefore it wasn't a surprise when Taylor Hill road tilted upways and I had to walk. 


I took a lot of rests to look for koalas.

I didn't see any koalas, despite frequently stopping to examine the grand old eucalypts that grew in the road reserve.

I only had to walk for a km or so and then I was able to ride, albeit with lots of koala-spotting breaks, to the top of the hill and the intersection with Range Road. 


Up on Range Road a sneaky little breeze kept me moving so as not to get cold. Before long I found the turnoff to King Hill road, which promised all kinds of adventure.

Summer road only! 4WD only!  But I only have two wheels...


This was fun.  And then it got better.


Big downhills! I hope my brakes work.

Oh my that was terrifying fun! I coasted all the way in to the Alma Hotel in Willunga where I used up one of my caravan park vouchers for lunch and what a lunch it was, fitting of a fancy restaurant although my exertion-fuelled appetite may have helped. I even had dessert, because why waste a good discount?

Om nom nom.

Lucky for my digestion the ride was all downhill back to McLarenvale.  The dog graciously forgave me for abandoning him in a house of closed doors with nothing to chew. In penance for my sins I took him for his first walk since we broke him, and was glad to see that he was all fixed. 

Over on the soggy east coast, graduation having finished yesterday with canapes and drinkies for several hours, Roger & co enjoyed Sydney socialising.

We were all happy.

For your viewing pleasure: flowers in a McLarenvale garden.



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