Responsible Driving.
I had to go to the dentist as one does periodically, to ensure one's feelings of wealth are adequately controlled. It was a hot day, well over 35C and humid. I decided to drive the car to the dentist, rather than riding my bike. The dentist and I had a convivial meeting, at the end of which she presented me with a plan describing all the ways I could spend money on my ageing teeth. I drove off along busy Port Road, spitting and spluttering at the cacky taste of fluoride treatment in my mouth, and thanking my lucky stars that I hadn't ridden my bicycle in the sizzling heat. Look at me, turning into a South Australian and whinging about one 30C+ day. Christmas is coming, dentist or no dentist. There I was, driving along Port Road minding my own business and contemplating dental expenses and all of a sudden alarms pinged, lights flashed, and the car displayed messages to the effect that I had a Problem With Battery or Electrics. Being a responsible car driver,...