Visiting the Pet Cemetery
"Pets are the new children," said our son. "And plants are the new pets." I think he's right about that, given that his own dog goes to doggy day care and regularly comes home with a report card. Which begs the question if children have been usurped by pets, what are children these days? That's a question for another day. Today, we're here to talk about pets or, more specifically, dead pets. Once there was a man, and the man had a dog. The man loved his dog and when the dog died of cancer the man wanted to bury his dog properly but he couldn't do so because there was nowhere to bury his dog. Well, there was the time honoured back yard option of course, but he didn't want to do that because he was moving and who knew how the new residents would respect (or not) the dog's burial site. The man had to get his dog cremated instead, and then when he and the ashes had settled into his new place he decided that he wanted other pet owners to have t...