08/05/2023 I Didn't Ride My Bike Today.

 The wind roared in to Seal rocks overnight, bringing rain and bitter cold, enough to convince me not to bother getting on the bike today. Not that I was tired at all, because I have awesome cycling stamina as was decided yesterday.  Instead of cycling we packed up camp and, before checking out, had our morning coffee in the sheltered sun of  the camp kitchen while watching a sea eagle play in the wind. 


Away in the distance huge waves crashed into the headlands and the surf trailed clouds of spume in to shore.


We ambled north between the lakes and the sea, dropping in to Bluey's beach to see more big waves and surf.


With work looming on the horizon, we settled in to a unit in Tuncurry for work.  Tuncurry is Forster's poor (aka less developed and quieter) cousin, like Stockton to Newcastle but with a bridge and minus the coal ships and risk of black lung. We went for a walk along the river and saw dolphins playing in the surf beside the breakwater before spending the evening doing boring indoor stuff like life admin, watching TV while sitting on comfy couches, and setting up workstations so we can earn an honest living tomorrow.

Seagulls sheltering from the wind.

 That's all you get from me tonight. I'm going to go sit on a comfy couch now.


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