Getting Better

"The trouble with getting better", said BD, "Is that time doesn't pass as quickly. It gets boring." True. There's so many things you can't do after you've been taken apart, had spare parts put in, been re-plumbed, and stitched back together. Can't even lift your cat because you are limited to weights of less than 2kg and your cat is a 4kg chonk. On Monday the surgical big cheese gave approval for a Tuesday discharge on the proviso of walking six laps of the ward in the course of the day, and no untoward misbehaviour of the cardiac variety. Motivation for walks went up 100% and a seemingly endless parade of people marched through the door, providing education on the myriad of things that needed to be monitored and managed and remembered to ensure the best recovery. Outside was cold and wet: rain dribbled down the windows. Cats, proxy or not, like to sit on window sills to watch the weather. A young Welsh nurse with a rich accent and intricate, ...