04/02/2022 Rocks in Her Head: Melbourne

Our daughter met and bonded with the small fluffy dogs (SFDs).

"You've got no brains!" she cooed lovingly to SFD#1.  "Nothing but a single pebble rattling around in your skull!"

SFD#1 went into paroxysms of love and adoration before racing off to run in circles and bark at the wind, thereby proving that she did, indeed, have rocks in her head. 


We have not been successful in exploring the neighbourhood while walking the dogs, as the SFDs are limited to a sedate circumnavigation of the park after which they very determinedly head for home and we are forced to comply.

Sans dogs, we ventured further afield to our local takeaway, and were transported into raptures of joy to find a Citreon dealer just around the corner.  The car was promptly booked for a diagnostic appointment after which we hope to have a timeline for release from the tyranny of always searching for a drive-through parking slot.

Suffering from cabin fever after two days of not working but hanging around because I would be working if the IT issues got sorted, I took off on my bicycle for a spot of early morning suburban exploration. 

Bicycle-themed art installations in the alley not far from our house.

I found the Anniversary Trail which was very busy with joggers, walkers, commuters, and children being gently (and sometimes not so gently) chivvied by parents as they learned their way to school.  "Johnny, look at the path, stay left, stay LEFT, watch the bicycle, JOHNNY!!"

After riding on the Anniversary Trail I doubled back on the Ferridale Trail, which was less trafficked, muddier, and much more fun.  Not to mention no longer having to dodge little Johnny as he distracted his way to school.

I was very thankful for bridges when crossing motorways.

I also discovered that Melbourne shares Adelaide's cavalier attitude to pedestrian safety around train lines.


By the time I got home the dogs had forgotten I'd gone, so I was greeted with raptures of delight, much excited barking, and another sofa dance by Ms Pebblehead.  I think I'll have to go out more often, just so I can be entertained by coming home.


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