The Sad Story of the Left-Behind Phone (With a Happy Ending)

On Saturday the wind was forecast to blow from the north with a period of indecision just after midday and an about-face to southerly by 2pm. Should they wish to do so, a smart person could ride south with a tailwind, have lunch in Moonta whilst the wind decided what to do, and then ride north back to Wallaroo also with a tailwind. I decided to be this smart person and while I did this I would make sure that all the kilometers that I rode were counted towards my goal of at least 200km/month for the whole year. I waved Roger off to conduct exploration of Wallaroo and Kadina and off I pedaled in the arms of a stiff north wind. First I had to plug out the standard 8km around the bay to Wallaroo. Ho hum. The rail trail followed the route of the railway which in the 1800s brought copper ore from the Moonta mine to the smelter at Kadina and the rail trail was brand spanking new, having only opened six weeks ago. It even had shelters at regular intervals for bicyclists such...