Walking And Waterfalls
Rain fell, with cameo appearances by thunder, lightning, and hail. The river Torrens, acting like a real river for once, overran all the little weirs along its length and managed a robust flow out to sea. Every creek and gully in the Adelaide Hills became a waterfall tumbling in a hurry in homage to gravity. Hordes of Adelaideans put on their puffer jackets, grabbed their umbrellas, and headed out to look at waterfalls. We were no exception, and decided to follow the crowds to First Waterfall at Morialta Conservation Park, where we stood a good chance of spotting a bonus koala or two. I left early and rode my bike along the Torrens, through the city, and up to Thorndene Reserve where Roger met me and off we went to Morialta for a picnic and a spot of waterfall viewing. Torrens doing grown-up river things. Existential angst on the Torrens Linear Path. Picnickers swarmed all over the Morialta Conservation Park picnic area. Mobs of little children found all the muddiest spots a...