What To Do Instead Of Housework
Roger was glued to the laptop in a marathon effort to clock up his Professional Development hours by Professional Registration time. I could have stayed home, watered the plants, done the laundry, and vacuumed up all the dog hair. Mind you Big Fluffy sheds like an autumn tree, so I could vacuum dog hair until it came out of my ears and still have more to do, rendering that option unpalatable. In a fine example of avoiding housework and leaving Roger to get his own cups of tea, I hopped on my bicycle and rode to Milang instead. I went the long way round, partly because the long way round was (hopefully) more interesting and had less traffic, and partly because I was foolish enough to turn a 20km cycle into a 40km slog into a headwind. But there was less traffic, so that was good. I passed the disused railway turntable on the way out of town. Riverside Road followed the Angas river which was buried in a deep channel, festooned with the remnants of summer's scotch thistles. The...