Ahh, The Serenity...

"It's so nice to be out of the city!" sighed Roger as he settled into his camping chair and sipped a glass plastic cup of mineral water. A gentle breeze ruffled the leaves of the trees and corellas (both little and long-billed, if you're interested) wheeled like confetti over head. "Listen to the birds!" "Much more melodious than cockatoos!" I agreed, as I watched a herd of caravans circle, looking for a spot for the night. We were in Geelong Showgrounds after a pleasant day spent saying farewell to BD, having allowed her to wheedle a final cup of coffee out of us before we went. We ambled down to Geelong along the coastline, stopping regularly to sniff the sea breeze and to take photos of the last view of Melbourne. Last view of Melbourne from Williamstown. No, this is the last view of Melbourne, from Williamstown. Trust me, this was the last view of Melbourne, from Point Cook Coastal Park. We drove right past the new embarkation point for the ...