The Elster Trail

Just like that, our time with D1&2 came to an end. We spent a day making the house and yard ship shape and squeaky clean and then off we went for cat intermission between dog sits. We didn't even get to have a final dog walk because the weather was miserable, so the D's family had to cope with all that pent-up small dog energy when they dragged their jetlagged selves in the door on Thursday morning. Final farewell, dogs not appreciating the moment. With BD back in her own place and no dogs to walk, we finally got the chance to do some really important tasks like planning our next Melbourne adventures, buying a mop (how do people clean their houses without a mop?), and going for a bike ride. Well, I did anyway. Roger, still taking care with his back, preferred to walk. Along the way I passed the house where beanie babies go to die. And discovered the little-known and less-appreciated delights of Spoonville. The Elster trail started at Allnut Park near our house and finished...